Southwestern Internship Q & A

This site was designed as an open forum discussion on the Southwestern Internship program.  Every year Southwestern as a company interviews over 40,000 students from over 450 universities around the world.  Last year Southwestern had the largest summer internship program in the country according to Forbes, and in 2006 won the Best in Business award in Nashville where their corporate headquarters is located.  Throughout the interview process students are able to learn a lot about Southwestern as a company and about their internship program, but this site has been set up to provide an opportunity for students who are thinking about a Southwestern Internship to connect with students who have already participated.

Students who have gone through a Southwestern Internship previously will be checking this site out from time to time and sharing their thoughts on any question you might have as you are thinking about what is best for your summer.  So whether you are a student, a parent, or just someone wanting to know a little more about what a Southwestern Internship all entails; ask away!

To ask your own question, respond to a question that has been asked, or just to read what everyone is talking about, click on the comments and you can view the entire string.  Along the right hand side of the page are additional links that you might find helpful.  These include the Better Business Bureau review of the Southwestern Internship, a Forbe’s article about Southwestern’s Internship program, and various other sites to help you get to know the whole Southwestern Internship a little better.

This is not a corporate site.  This is designed for real students with real questions to be able to get candid answer from people who have participated in Southwestern’s Internship previously.  We hope you find it helpful!